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A Critique Of An Advertisement For Go Vegan

The advertisement shown is from Go Vegan. They hope to convert non-vegans and make vegan living easier. This advertisement makes an attempt to do this by using a variety appealing words, images, and wording choices. Logos, the use logic/facts to describe animals, is used in this advertisement. It forces viewers compare two animals. Pathos is also used, which appeals to emotions and feelings. It uses words such as “compassion”, “love” and other similar words to create feelings of sadness, empathy, and build their own ethos (the organization’s ethics) to promote kindness, compassion, equality, and justice across all species. This message could be seen as guilting and may turn some viewers against the organization. This advertisement suggests that veganism is not possible.

Two animals are featured in this advertisement. A kitten and a chicken. To persuade non-vegans that they should become vegans. The campaign language can be interpreted as a choice to incite sadness and guilt among readers. A free starter kit is also offered as a bonus. It may appeal to viewers because they offer information and give away free stuff. The advertisement stands out against a dark background that is neutral or blurred. The animals are also prominent because they have a lighter color than the background. The advertisement was published by Go Vegan. It is likely to build the organization’s ethos (ethics/morality/compassion and kindness in this instance). Baby animals are loved and widely accepted as cute and loveable. So, placing two different species of babies next to each other and being treated differently by humans is bound to appeal to the viewers heart strings.

This ad is great for cat lovers, as well as anyone who loves animals. The viewer assumes they are an animal lover and would not eat cats or other pets. This ad makes the case against any animal. Or your mouse and hamster. No, it would not. It tries to show that, aside from their species and physical size, the main difference in kittens and chicks is their treatment and how they are regarded. This argument is compelling because it forces viewers to connect the “cute” baby chick with what they eat often for dinner.

The advertisement is quite successful. It uses logos, pathos, and ethos to encourage viewers to become vegans. It presents a strong argument using the viewer’s logic (“You wouldn’t feed your pet, right?”), and their emotions (“You wouldn’t feed this adorable kitten, right?”). This is to encourage them to be vegan. It aims to get the viewer to support veganism by making them feel connected to it. The advert’s creators used eye-catching imagery, bold words and emotional language to support their cause. With the help of logic and emotion, this advertisement was intended to encourage veganism.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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