The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.

Streaptease Dancers And Self-respect

Hodson said in Chapter “Four Faces of Working with Dignity,” meaningful work is vital for dignity. What is the meaning of work? How is it possible for someone who sells their body to earn respect and appreciation? A person who shaves off their clothes to earn a living has little or no self-respect.

Both men as well as women who striptease are subject to judgement by others who are often unaware of the nature and purpose of their work. Many people think of striptease as prostitution. Those who make this a livelihood are often sleazy and uninformed. However, striptease dancers, just like everyone else, are much more than their occupation. Striptease dancers can also be mothers trying to provide for their families and help them pay for school. Does this make sense? She and her family find it meaningful as their bread and butter. Without it, they can’t get by. Although she may be ridiculed by others for the type of work that she does, her efforts to provide for her family will earn her the respect of many, including her kids. Self-worth is influenced by many factors. It is often based on their conformity to society’s standards. It’s worth noting that today’s world has unquestionably double standards. These days it’s impossible to be perfect and still be good. There will always remain naysayers, regardless of how great or poor someone is. What is the best way to find out what striptease artists think of themselves? Does it suffice to say that striptease dancers show their bodies to strangers to convey a low self-worth message?

Working as a striptease artist can put both women and men at risk. Although striptease dancers can perform in safe clubs with security personnel, it’s still possible for them to be followed by customers and sexually assaulted while on their way home. These working conditions are not dangerous. However, many people don’t know that striptease performers prefer to wear some clothing when performing. Hodson concludes that dignity at work is achieved by many small acts against abuse. Striptease dancers refuse to be viewed as mere objects of sexual pleasure who will conform to the will of their customers. Instead, they set limits to their performance.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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