The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.

My Role Model: Essay About My Father

Every person has a role model that they can look up to and encourage them to make good decisions. You can choose to be a parent, a hero, or simply someone you admire. My father is the role model that has inspired me. He is someone I admire throughout my life. My father is the one I will look up to when I have kids. He is a successful and knowledgeable man who has supported me in every endeavor and helped me overcome any obstacles. My father is the reason this essay on role models is about him.

My father is very knowledgeable. He’s a handyman in our house. He’ll repair electronic gadgets in my house if they get damaged. My father is also a skilled chef. My father has been a great cook and served me delicious Vietnamese, Thai, and Chinese foods since I was able to remember. He is also never tired, which I find amazing. He works all day and only gets 4 to 5 hours sleep each night. He is a great example of this. He gets up at 5 am to get exercise. Then he takes me to school. He has been an example to me throughout my life. My father is not only a knowledgeable person but also a successful man. My father shared his story with me about his journey to start his business when I was a kid. He would work 10 hours per week and went to school. He worked hard, saved money and worked hard to start his own business. His success earned him the admiration of his staff and made his family proud. He is also smart. He is a pharmacist and has completed his studies. He also runs his own business. My father was a super hero to me. He was a great inspiration to me. When I arrived in the USA, I was almost able to restart everything. Although I was afraid that I couldn’t do it, I remembered how successful my father was and that has inspired me to persevere. My father was always there to help me overcome my difficulties and get me closer to my goal. My father was the one who helped me through all my problems. It was a rainy day. The roads were flooded. I was trapped at school due to thunder and darkness. It scared my hell. My father was suddenly wading into water to grab me. I fell in love with him that day. I’m fortunate to have my dad to support me in the difficult times. It was difficult for me to solve the problems of my competitors when I was seven years old. My father supported me throughout the day, and helped me to solve my problems. I won the competition and that motivated me to do well in my future. I think it is important for many to have a role model. My father is my model. He is extremely knowledgeable and successful. And he has the most generous heart of anyone I know. Without him, I wouldn’t be who I am today. One day, I will have my own children. I want to be a father like my father. What role model are you looking for? This may be something you are interested in.

Conclusion writer

My grandfather has been an inspiration throughout my entire life. My grandfather, who is 60 years old, acts as if he’s still 59. I have the best memories of him from a trip to the Canary Islands with my family. There, we surprised him, his now deceased, and their nana, with our presence. With his famous catchphrase “wouldn ya?” he made us laugh every time we saw him. Our entire family has known my Grandfather for many years and I am still amazed at his kindness. It amazes me how kind he is. My grandfather has been my grandfather since the day I was born. I will always remember him. I will always remember my fondest memories of him. I’ll remember his silly jokes, his childish behavior, and the fact that he never trusted me with his cooking. My granddad is a great man. His humor and wit are amazing. One example: He once thought that it was cheese sauce when he dipped a fish nit in custard during the Doctor Who episode. Those were wonderful memories. I look forward to making more great memories with him. I hope to one day be able to look like him, but with fewer wrinkles. I hope I can one day tell my children how funny and amazing he was. Because my grand-dad is successful and supports his family, amongst other charities, he is the one I aspire too be.

Additionally, he served 42 years in navy electronic warfare specialists. He was also a radar operator for submarines, unknown vessels, and unidentified boatssubmarines. He was also a participant in two wars like the gulf war of 1990. Because my granddad inspired and motivated me to join the military, it is something I hope to do one day. He is proud of his accomplishments and past achievements. His dedication to his family, country, and the planet is what inspires me. My Grand-dad is a huge influence on my life. He was supportive of everything I did and spoiled me at Christmas. My Nana’s death caused us to all be depressed. He helped us get back to happiness or at least some happiness. We are now all happy and i try my best to see him whenever i can. He has had a positive impact on my life for most of my life, especially during the hard times. However, we are moving forward and i cannot wait to go on more fun adventures with my granddad. I may be able do some of the things he did with me and my grand children. I will be lucky if i can be half or a quarter of what my granddad was. My grand-dad taught me that dreams can be achieved, no matter what their crazyness or dumbness. My grand-dad is a role model for me, and anyone who meets him will see the same. He is one of the most entertaining, intelligent and interesting people you will ever know. However, the most important thing about him is his support for everything you do. He has made some important decisions in his own life and I hope to make better or equal decisions. He is important in my life because of his family. I will never be able to replace the family he has given me.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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