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How To Understand And Interpret Your AP Scores

If you plan on taking AP exams, you're certainly not the only person who has this in mind. In 2018, 1.24 millions students took Advanced Placement classes, many of whom went on and passed the AP exams. Advanced Placement tests are offered by the College Board every May. These exams consist of questions with multiple choices and those that require a free-response. Students who achieve high marks are often given credit by colleges. This can result in a reduced tuition or the freedom to choose elective classes.

Understanding Your AP Scores

The College Board awards AP scores from 1 to 5. 5 is considered the best possible score. The requirements for an AP test vary by school, but a 5, 4 or 3 may be enough to allow you to bypass equivalent college courses. Scores of 1 or 2 on the AP exam are unlikely to be credited. What are the scores?

  • AP Score 1

A score of 1 on an AP is the lowest possible. This indicates that a student has no knowledge of the subject. A score of 1 is not accepted by any U.S. college.

In certain exams, a 1, like AP Studio Art where only 1.1% students get a 1, is rare. In other exams, a 1 can be common. For example, AP Human Geography had 34.1% of test takers get a 1, the highest score. Our charts will provide more information on the score distribution.

  • AP Score 2

Although the College Board considers a student who scores a 2 to be "possibly eligible" for a college-level course on a particular subject, many schools do not award credit for such a score. This score is indicative of a student who did not grasp the core material.

  • AP Score 3

Colleges will generally consider students with a score of 3 on an AP exam as "qualified", meaning they can pass a class in college. Due to the fact that a 3 is only equivalent of a B+ or C, high-ranking schools, such as Harvard, do not generally give credit for a 3. Test takers are most likely to earn a 3 in most subjects.

  • AP score 4

If you receive a 4, it means that you are well-versed in the subject and have the ability to use that knowledge when answering questions. Students who receive this score are often given credit. It is the equivalent of a B grade and indicates that they're "well qualified" for a college course.

  • AP Score 5 

A 5 is the highest AP score possible. It shows that you have studied well and understand the material. You did a great job overall, even if some of the questions were answered incorrectly. Students with high scores are often awarded college credits.

How do AP scores impact college admissions?

Historically, AP test scores have had little impact on college acceptance decisions. The scores on the exams do not affect your GPA. Most college applications don't allow students to include their test scores.

Many students opt to self report their AP exam scores. There is no rule on whether to report your scores. However, if you have a score of 4, or 5, it can make an impression. Self-reporting gives students with multiple 5s a chance at standing out.

As a general rule, you shouldn't bother to report scores of 1 or 2. A score of 3 is probably also not worth reporting, unless your college will give you credit for it. You don't want your average or lower-than-average score to be used against you when it comes to competitive admissions.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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