The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.

Paramedical (Paramed) Exam: What To Know

Paramedical examination (or paramed for short) is an interview that you have with a paramedical professional to gather information about your past medical history. The information collected allows the insurance company to evaluate your health in a comprehensive manner. The paramed includes the following: a medical history form, measurements of your body (height, weigh, heart rate and blood pressure), urine samples, and blood samples. The test usually takes about 20 minutes. Underwriting guidelines will determine if an EKG and/or X-ray are included in the exam.

You will be contacted by a paramed examiner to arrange a time, date and location that suits you. You can choose to take the exam at home, at work or in an exam center. The choice is yours. When the paramedical test is complete, you can submit your application.

Let's learn more about paramedical exams now that you have a basic understanding of what they are.

Urine sample

During the paramedical examination, a urine sample will be taken. A laboratory performs the tests and then reviews them with the insurance company. The results of the tests are only sent to your insurance company in order to evaluate your specific application.

Blood Draw

Underwriting relies heavily on blood tests. The results of a variety of tests are only sent to the insurer. An experienced paramedical examiner will draw a small quantity of blood. Fasting between 8-12 hours before the examination is recommended. Tell your examiner if you've ever had problems with fainting, nausea or bruising. Do not hesitate to express any concerns that you may have with your examiner.


Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are recordings of electrical impulses associated to cardiac contractions and relaxation. ECGs are painless. The leads will be placed on your chest by having you lie flat and your shirt unbuttoned. To ensure a successful electrocardiogram, it is best to be calm and relaxed.

What can I expect from the best outcome?

Follow these simple steps to get the best results possible:

  • Please wear an easy-to-roll up sleeved or short-sleeved top.
  • Take a glass water an hour or two before your examination. This will allow you to collect a urine sample.
  • Avoid caffeine (coffee, soda, tea, etc.) Several hours before the test, avoid caffeine (coffee and other caffeinated beverages).
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco should be avoided at least an hour before your appointment.
  • Eight hours before the test, avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid nasal decongestants.
  • Rest well before your exam.
  • The appointment should be scheduled at a time when you are least stressed.
  • Photo identification is required.
  • You should start fasting 8-12 hours prior to the exam. During this period, you should drink a lot of water.
  • Eat low-salt and low-cholesterol foods 24 hours prior to your exam.
  • Do not exercise strenuous activities 24 hours prior to the exam.
  • Inform your paramedical examiner about any medication you take, including non-prescription drugs.
  • Keep your doctor's name, address, and date of previous visits handy.

The information gathered during the paramed remains strictly confidential. This is only to be used by insurance companies. If the proposed insured is interested, they can request to see a copy. Once you have a good understanding of the paramedical process, it should be an easy exam. You know what you can expect. By following the advice given above, you can be on your way to being approved by a life insurance company.

What are the 10 best tips for a perfect medical examination?

Some people make you think that home medical examinations are painful. They can actually be quick, painless and simple. Follow these tips to achieve paramed Nirvana.

  1. Fast 8-12 hours prior to the exam. Fasting for 8-12 hours before the exam will improve blood chemistry.
  2. Avoid excessive activity or exercise before the test. It will help you maintain your normal blood pressure and heartbeat.
  3. Be sure to stay hydrated. You will see a reduction in your blood-pressure and heart-rate. This also helps to produce a better sample of urine.
  4. Avoid caffeine before your exam. You can schedule the exam for evenings!
  5. Scheduling your appointments at a time when you are least stressed is the best option.

Some people may prefer mornings, while others prefer evenings. For many, it may not exist!

  1. Studying for the test later in a week is a good idea. The days from Wednesday to Saturday are generally the least stressful. Mondays are…
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours prior to your exam. Alcohol can also affect blood test results.
  3. You should take your normal medications and then provide the list to an examiner. Be sure to have the examiner write down all of your medications, including their dosages.
  4. If you're sick, reschedule your exam. You will feel out of sorts. Waiting is better.
  5. Check all paperwork thoroughly. Accidents do happen. You don't want them to happen in your paramedical test. Check all answers, measurements and other information prior to signing.

That's it. The ten tips below will help you pass the paramedical test and lower your term life insurance rates.

How to apply for the Term Life Insurance Medical Exam

It has become easier to apply for term life coverage in the last few decades thanks to advances in technology, including electronic applications and signatures. Although some insurance companies offer nonmedical term insurance, you will still need to pass a paramedical exam in order to apply.

The Life Insurance Paramed Test: Is it worth the time?

You can benefit from a paramedical exam for a number of reasons:

  • Most policies require a paramedical exam.
  • You may be unaware of medical conditions that need to be checked out by a paramedical exam.
  • It is free, because it's paid by the insurance company!

Technology has improved the paramedical examination for life insurance as well as the process of applying for term life in general. Most examiners complete all forms electronically and send the data to the life insurer. Exam companies also have more examiners and offices than before, which makes it easier to book an exam at the time of your convenience.

This graphic will help you understand how easy it is to prepare for the paramedical exam.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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