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Freshers Checklist: What To Take To University – and What To Leave Behind

When Sarah Abe, a 21-year-old student of criminology at the University of Southampton, first moved into student halls, she was overcome with excitement and forgot her laptop. She was consequently caught in a position where she had to take notes on paper whenever her classmates took out their laptops. She recollects, "I’d remembered all my handbags. I guess my priorities weren’t in the right place."

Choosing what to pack for university can be a complex task this year, as the coronavirus pandemic has caused more students to stay home and attend classes virtually. It is beneficial to read any welcome packs or guidance provided by your university and make a list in advance to prevent overlooking essential items. However, students suggest that it is okay to forget something as you can always purchase it upon arrival. “You can pick up bits when you get there,” advises Maisie Marston, who studied Politics at Cardiff University.

In truth, one of the most recurring mistakes students tend to make is packing excessively. "I went a bit overboard,” admits Marston. “My best advice is to bring less than you think you need.” She brought an unnecessary kettle with her since she hadn’t read what came with the flat.

Conor Naughton, Student Union President at Nottingham Trent University, warns against bringing too much kitchenware. “In my flat, there were eight of us and [you end] up with four toastie makers and three blenders, when you only need one.” Instead, Naughton advises that students wait until they arrive or connect with their flatmates before moving in.

Once you’ve removed the additional kettle and toastie maker from your luggage, what essential items should you bring? This year’s coronavirus pandemic means that students may spend more time in their room or in a "social bubble." Therefore, students recommend making your room comfortable by bringing essential items such as artwork for the walls, soft furnishings, photos from home, fairy lights, or diffuser sticks. "It’s nice to get a smell you like for when people come into the room, or for when you’re chilling out by yourself,” says Naughton. A cookbook will also be useful, according to Paul Redmond, the Director for Student Experience at the University of Liverpool.

Board games, cards, or a game console will provide plenty of activities to do with housemates. Redmond further explains that universities may implement bike loan schemes or walking activities this year, encouraging outdoor events. Therefore, don’t forget to bring warm clothes and sports equipment such as comfortable walking shoes, rain jackets, waterproofs, a yoga mat or gym equipment for your room.

In terms of COVID-19 safety, universities may provide masks and hand sanitizers in their welcome packs, but it is still advisable to bring your own. Alice Wilson, the Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing Operations at Birmingham City University, suggests, "The key thing in terms of packing and coming to uni this year is the high potential for students to spend more time in their accommodation than they usually would."

Overall, don’t panic if you forget something. As Sarah Abe learned from her mistake, you can improvise and get things once you arrive. A forgotten towel will not ruin your fresher’s week.

Here is the rewritten version of the text:

An all-inclusive file consisting of your personal records, such as bank statements, passport information and a copy of your housing agreement.

Essential items to stock up your pantry, such as canned goods, pasta, olive oil and rice, and a basic cookbook to help you prepare meals easily.

Customize your living space by adding personal touches such as photographs, decorative lights, aroma diffusers, cushions, posters or artwork to make it feel like home.

Engaging in fun indoor activities such as board games, cards or using speakers can be a great way to connect with new roommates and friends.

Be prepared in today’s climate by having a Covid-19 safety kit that includes a face mask, hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes, and a plentiful supply of soap.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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