The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.

A Brief History Of Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom dancing has been a relatively unknown art form until recently. Thanks to shows like “Dancing with the Stars”, it has been rediscovereded as a popular pastime worldwide. Soon after the premiere season, the dance craze spread quickly across America. People began to take up dancing. Ballroom dancing isn’t new, but it has a rich history. Let’s discuss the history of the “ballroom” word.

The simple definition of the term is a place where ball can be played. This word was borrowed from Latin “ballare”, which means “to dance”. Ironically, this is also used as a base word for “ballerina”, “ballad” and others. Before satellite radio, cable television and internet, ballrooms were a popular entertainment source. You can find many versions and dances of ballroom dance. Each dance has its own unique steps and characteristics, but one thing remains the same throughout all styles of ballroom dancing. You can be sure that the dances are performed by a couple, regardless of their style. Ballroom dancing involves a couple. Dances were usually held in the evening before men left for battle to encourage men to be happy and go to war. The custom of men wearing their swords with women while they dance was quite common. For example, a woman might place her left-hand on her partner’s right arm and then grasp his left hand to balance. This was also the origin of the idea that men lead on the dance floor. Over the centuries, ballroom dancing evolved. Each dance has a history. The Waltz and Foxtrot are the most popular in ballroom dancing. Many countries soon adopted dancing as a trend, and new styles of ballroom were developed from the different cultures. The paso doble, for example, was created in Spain in 1797 to show the strength and agility of bullfighters. The mambo was a common dance at weddings in Italy. After World War I, the American quickstep was the most popular. All these dances were well-known by the 1970’s.

Ballroom dancing is today the most popular form of dance for adults. It is often covered in the media. It is now being offered to college and high school students as an alternative to their physical education. This is a sign that ballroom dancing will continue to be a popular activity for many years.


  • tommyperry

    I'm Tommy Perry, a 55-year-old educational blogger who enjoys traveling. I've been writing about education since 2012, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as I can. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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